School Library-Aralimaradapalya

Type of Projects – School Library

Govt Higher Primary School Aralimaradapalya

Govt Higher Primary School Aralimaradapalya near Tumakuru is a village school though it is within the corporation area and surrounded by houses of wealthy people. The wealthy people surrounding this school send their children to private schools but other part of the town has workers settlement area from where children come to this school. The tiled roof of the school in a vulnerable position and any time it is likely to fall off. When we first met the headmaster and school teachers they had informed us that they have more than 2500 books but they do not have open shelf for children to have access for the books. The books are presently kept in a closed almirah under lock and key with practically no access to children. Now with open shelf children will have better access. Jaya Madhava Trust as well as Rishipath though have common objectives of improving education system in Government schools we have no provision for funding the repair of Government buildings.

Smt. Prema Pratap, Smt. Sashi Rekha and Smt.Ujvala from handed over IKEA Library shelf to school children at Govt. Higher Primary School, Aralimaradapalya. From Jaya Madhava Trust side Smt.Aparna M Prabhu who arrived from USA and Smt Sneha Putturaya represented apart from Sri Madhava Prabhu managing trustee and Smt.Manjula CR Facilitator. There were couple of SDMC members who always make it a point to come to school and participate in most of th e activities of the school.